DealerPILOT HR previously noted that there were paid time off requirements for vaccinations for Saskatchewan, and that Alberta was heading down the same path.
Multiple jurisdictions are now heading in this direction, and yes, Alberta is one of them. Effective April 21, 2021, Alberta employers will now be required to provide three hours of paid time off for vaccination.
As already announced, Saskatchewan also has the three hour paid time off provision.
In British Columbia the paid time off provision came into effect April 19, 2021, employers are now required to provide three hours paid time off for COVID-19 vaccinations. In British Columbia, such leave is not limited to situations where the employee alone is being vaccinated. Employers must provide the time off for employees to be vaccinated or to assist with the vaccination of a dependent.
Employers can request proof that the employee is entitled to request such leave, such as vaccination appointment confirmation, but cannot inquire into the employee’s medical situation or request medical documentation such as a doctor’s note to prove the authenticity of the request.
Remember that these types of requests and records should only be used for the purpose they are requested for and therefore also only retained for the same manner.
Dealerships in other jurisdictions should take note of these advancements so that they are also prepared should changes come their way. Remember as well, that these are minimum requirements, so paying employees for their vaccination time in other areas is an acceptable practice as long as you are doing so in a manner that is compliant and non-discriminatory- especially in the areas of records and documentation.
If you are not confident that your initiative, activities or record keeping meets with the requirements, contact us at info@dealerpilothr.com to discover how we assist our dealership partners in overcoming COVID challenges.