A round up of some important dates and changes.
As we head into October, here are some friendly reminders of changes, announcements, and important dates:
BC- The rules around unsafe work refusals have been modified to further assist employees in making informed decisions. Please ensure you and your team are aware of the current requirements.
AB- The Traffic Safety Act (Bill 5) includes propsed changes that will improve roadside woeker safety. This means that when passed your Safe Driving Policies should be reviewed and all compay drivers should be informed and trained on the changes.
SK- On Oct 1, 2022, the minimum wage will increase to $13.00/hr.
MB- On Oct 1, 2022, the minimum wage will increase to $13.50/hr.
ON- The Electronics Monitoring Policy requirement comes into effect on October 11th for those organizations with over 25 employees. As well, on Oct 1, 2022, the minimum wage will increase to $15.50/hr.
QUE- Some provisions of Bill 96 have come into effect in September, 2022, some of these provisions have also been delayed until after hearings. These provisions may impact the operations of businesses within the province, so ensure that you are current on the effective date of all provisions. The Bill can be found here: http://www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/dynamicSearch/telecharge.php?type=5&file=2022C14A.PDF
NFLD- On Oct 1, 2022, the minimum wage will increase to $13.70/hour. Also, the transitional support program for small employers will launch in October 1st. The new program provides short-term financial support to employers with 20 employees or less that employ minimum wage earners. It offers $0.50 per hour for all hours worked at the minimum wage rate, from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023. It will provide two payments to eligible employers, with 80 per cent of the eligible amount paid up front, and the remaining 20 per cent paid after the covering period ends. Eligible employers are required to submit documentation to the Provincial Government for both disbursements. Fiona relief for small business information will be released in the near future, the announcement can be accessed at https://www.gov.nl.ca/releases/2022/jps/0925n03/
NS- On Oct 1, 2022, the minimum wage will increase to $13.60/hr. Information on support for small businesses impacted by Fiona can be found at https://beta.novascotia.ca/disaster-financial-assistance-hurricane-fiona--REDIRECTED
NB- On Oct 1, 2022, the minimum wage will increase to $13.75/hr. For disaster relief, small businesses can apply to the EMO by completing a Damage Report Form here: https://www.pxw1.snb.ca/snb9000/product.aspx?ProductID=A001P783000&l=e
PEI- Relief programs for small businesses that require disaster financial assistance due to Hurricane Fiona damages are available. More information can be found at https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/service/provincial-disaster-financial-assistance-program
YK- The Staffing UP program to assist with funding for skilled workers is still active. More information on the program can be located at: https://yukon.ca/sites/yukon.ca/files/ecdev/edu-staffing-up-labour-market.pdf.pdf
NWT- September 30th will be the first new Truth and Reconciliation Statutory Holiday for the territory.
If you need assistance in meeting any of these requirements or would like additional information on how we assist our subscribers in managing these mandates, please email us at info@dealerpilothr.com .